Darly's Reading Nook

I love Books

Twelve Tribes of Hattie

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie - Ayana Mathis

"Of course Im angry!" She looked at Bell as though she'd have liked to shake her by the shoulders.  "I probably always will be.  But I've been mad all my life, and I finally figured out that I couldn't keep carrying that with me.  Its too heavy and Im too tired.  Time will take care of it, like it does everything else."- Hattie Shepherd



I was drawn to this book because of the Oprah Book Club, which is always my “go to” for list of good books that I ought to read. I was right away intrigued with the title, the synopsis, to prove the several reviews I have read and of course my excitement to find out how it is related to the twelve tribes of Israel. 

But then obviously, I was wrong because the book is about (SPOILER ALERT and credits below)
a series of interlocking stories about each of the 12 people dependent upon Hattie for love and survival across the 20th century, from Philadelphia and Jubilee in 1925 to Cassie and her daughter Sala in 1980. Their experiences also seem representative, and at times, too, representative. There is Floyd, conflicted about his homosexual desires; Six, who represents the longing to find salvation in religion; Billups, who was molested as a child; Franklin, the alcoholic and gambler who ends up a soldier in Vietnam. Alice marries well but unhappily, and leads a sterile, tranquilised life; Bell is self-destructive; Cassie has schizophrenia. One begins to feel as if there isn't a trauma that this family doesn't face, as Mathis whisks us from one crisis to the next. Just as a character starts to emerge, we are on to the next, a steady stream of shiftless men squandering money in bars and gambling dens while women struggle to hold families together.

But if the characters drift, the novel does not; it eddies around the rock of Hattie, the woman who grounds her family’s story, and who will not be ground down by it. As unremittingly bleak as her characters’ lives are, Mathis has not produced a grim novel: it is as much about our need for joy as it is about our struggles against bitterness. Written with elegance and remarkable poise, the Twelve Tribes of Hattie is rather like its heroine- a bit withholding at times, but memorable and with the hint of something formidable glinting under the surface.

But why the 3 stars rate? Well, I value very much the spiritual inspiration I could always absorb from every book that I read. I wanna be empowered and at the same time be affirmed of my faith to the One True God, not that I could ever be swayed from my belief. During the journey of the read, I did picked bits and pieces of the optimism that I am wishing for, learning from the triumphs and failures of Hattie and the lives of her children whose existence are the very result of Hattie herself. From the twins to the granddaughter, from the loss to the redemption, the writer really did a good job in relaying her story, despite the hasty way each of the children’s story ended. However, towards the end when her life is indirectly compared with the sufferings of Job (a well know character in the Bible) and the way Mathis somewhat broke that parallelism by changing the course of Hattie (well Sala’s life in particular), that was the turning point of my disappointment. The defiance and pride of Hattie that I sensed at the end of the story, crumbled down the wonder I have felt for her character and the book in general. I really hoped that it didn’t end the way it did, and for Hattie to have found the peace she had long been searching for- because I honestly didn’t think she had, given the way she reacted in the end. Im sure Mathis had her reasons, and probably she didn’t want Hattie's story to be predictable and ordinary- but the thought of imparting the attitude of detachment from God and our faith in Him scares me, not for myself, but for other readers that may be, in some remote way, experiencing similar tragedy as that of Hattie and her children.

Don’t get me wrong, the book was amazing, I just didn’t agree with the ending.


Keep Calm and Read a Book
Keep Calm and Read a Book
Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/413134965788012210

19 Quirky Conundrums Only Book Lovers Understand

Reblogged from Kate says:

old book

 birds of the same feather would understand.......


via HuffPost:


1. Finding a comfortable reading position is a never-ending quest. Chair or bed? Side or back? In a box? With a fox?

2. On airplanes, you hesitantly flick on the overhead light while everyone else is napping.

3. Paper cuts may look like minor injuries, but the pain can be excruciating.

4. Walking and reading at the same time requires hand-eye coordination only professional athletes have been endowed with.

5. What on earth are you supposed to do with the jacket on a hardcover while you're reading it? Keep it on and risk damaging it? Take it off and store it in a weird nook, never to find it again?

6. Deciding what to read is a choice that presents you with an embarrassment of riches.

7. The typeface and page length of a book can seriously impact your reading experience, sometimes for the worse (sans-serif font is a huge no-no).

8. A book can be composed of the worst drivel you've ever laid eyes on, you're still afflicted with major guilt when you banish it to the "I Will Never Ever Ever Finish This. Like, Ever." shelf.

9. You lament time that you've wasted in the past; all of those hours scouring celebrity Twitters could have been put towards finally reading Moby Dick!


10. Some people count down the minutes until their lunch hour; you count down the minutes until Jeffery Eugenides or Donna Tartt releases their next book (roughly 5 million for Tartt, but who's counting?!)

11. Finishing a book you loved is like saying goodbye to a good friend. You've been through so much together! And while you may see each other again, it won't be quite the same.

12. Forget finding roommates; the most stressful thing about moving is figuring out a way to transport boxes upon boxes of heavy books.


13. You're constantly rethinking your bookshelf strategy. Should you color-coordinate, or take a more practical approach, such as publication date or alphabetization? Or, if you're feeling ambitious, should you tackle the autobiographical bookshelf, à la Rob Gordon from High Fidelity?

14. Your mood is directly impacted by the mood of the book that you're reading; your friends have learned to avoid you during Dostoyevsky months or Bret Easton Ellis weeks.

15. You take found books home like abandoned puppies, chirping, "Can we keep it?!" That'd be well and good if it didn't happen once a day.

16. One does not simply walk by a bookstore. One must poke around, at the very least, and one usually ends up filling one's tote bag with more books than one can carry.

17. "I don't read" is a relationship death knell, akin to "I loathe my mother" or "I enjoy upsetting kittens."

18. You may or may not own two (or three or four) copies of a beloved book. You can't help it, the redesigned covers are irresistible!


19. Laundry day and other important obligations get completely overlooked when you're in the middle of a great, un-put-downable book. "Same shirt Saturday"? Sorry you're not sorry. 


Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/10/book-lover_n_4562002.html?ref=topbar
""Fight them, Mr. Brigance, to the bitter end. We must prevail."- Seth Hubbard"
Sycamore Row - John Grisham

I was pretty excited when I bought this book as a gift for my husband, who is a huge John Grisham fan. When I saw the word sequel to “A Time To Kill” I got so worked up that I did not even bother to read the synopsis, nor read book reviews from the net, which I usually do before I purchase any book… just straight away cash it in the counter. So, imagine my frustration when upon reading it I realized it wasn’t at all related to the story of the Haileys or a mention of what had happened to little Tanya, but instead a follow through on the career of the young and vibrant lawyer, Jake Brigance.
But still keeping the faith on our beloved Grisham, I kept reading and gave it a shot. And I wasn’t disappointed at all by the time I put the book down. Sure, there are times that I wanted to give up as I felt there’s just too many back stories going on and Im finding it difficult to keep up. There were even times I got lost from the main point of the story, wishing that Grisham could have focused on another arch instead. But it all came clear, and understanding set in, once the courtroom action has commenced. And I would like to make special mention of the two of my favorite characters of the book- the erratic figure, Lucien Wilbanks and the contrarian, Harry Rex- who in my opinion had both been the life of the party. Without them, the story would have been just too dull to read.
As always, I have a learned a thing or two again from Grisham, from the litigation proceedings, important legal terms and drills, and truths that I never would have thought possible even with the nature of the racial discrimination that the African Americans had endured for the last century
Yes, I started reading the book with a hint of disappointment, but I was relieved and thankful at the turn of the last page.
Amazing read for my first book of 2014 (1/70)

Reading progress update: I've read 156 out of 447 pages.

Sycamore Row - John Grisham
Reblogged from Karen's books:

if you are having a bad day...........

50 Books Reading Challenge
50 Books Reading Challenge

I only planned on 30 books for 2014, finish where i left off from last year's goal, that is 17 books to date...

But Im starting fresh, and Im challenging myself to do better...

I guess 50 is a better number.

Currently reading

12 Years a Slave
Solomon Northup
The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden
Jessica Sorensen